About Richard Crebbin.jpg
Art & I with Richard Crebbin Logo_linesv2.png

about richard

Art has an integral part of my life since I was a child. Our home was filled with paintings and sculpture, particularly the sculpture of Bob Klippel.
My father’s pure love of art flowed, touching us all.

Studying at the University of Sydney and John Power Institute of Fine Art I gained a Bachelor of Arts – Art History then joined the Newcastle Art Museum as a curator.
After being a awarded an Australia Council grant I studied management at London Business School and UCLA. At both schools I included a focus on Arts Management, including working with the Gulbenkian Foundation in London studying the most appropriate management structures for small / community arts organisations.

In recent years art has been a private passion; discovering young photographers at the Head On Photographic festival in Sydney, being overwhelmed by Mark Rothko works in the Tate Modern, finally seeing the friars sculpted by Claus Sluter for the Tomb of Philip II the Bold Duke of Burgundy, sitting in front of The Descent from The Cross by Rogier Van Weyden and having the most painful finish to my visit to the The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid.

Recently I have moved to Singapore I am beginning to discover its rich art scene. I want to write about current art issues that interest me, as well as stepping backwards in time.